"Geolocate" = "Geolocate"; "Go to the edition's page" = "Go to the edition's page"; "Go to the publisher's page" = "Go to the publisher's page"; "Go to the series' page" = "Go to the series' page"; "Go to the work's page" = "Go to the work's page"; "Group picture" = "Group picture"; "Hide non-selected shelves" = "Hide non-selected shelves"; "I can lend it" = "I can lend it"; "I have it and it's available for:" = "I have it and it's available for:"; "I'm giving it" = "I'm giving it"; "I'm selling it" = "I'm selling it"; "ISBNs list" = "ISBNs list"; "Image preview" = "Image preview"; "Include all your present and future groups" = "Include all your present and future groups"; "Inventories" = "Inventories"; "Items without shelf" = "Items without shelf"; "Latest created users" = "Latest created users"; "Learn more about %{username}'s item \"%{title}\"" = "Learn more about %{username}'s item \"%{title}\""; "Learn more about Wikidata" = "Learn more about Wikidata"; "List creator" = "List creator"; "List name" = "List name"; "Loading %{count} entities: this may take a while" = "Loading %{count} entities: this may take a while"; "Loading map…" = "Loading map…"; "Look who was already there!" = "Look who was already there!"; "Looking for duplicates…" = "Looking for duplicates…"; "Number of books you selected to import" = "Number of books you selected to import"; "Open in advanced list browser" = "Open in advanced list browser"; "Open this link outside" = "Open this link outside"; "Other languages" = "Other languages"; "Other users' inventories" = "Other users' inventories"; "P1476" = "P1476"; "P2635" = "P2635"; "PgDn" = "PgDn"; "PgUp" = "PgUp"; "Precise the date to the day" = "Precise the date to the day"; "Precise the date to the month" = "Precise the date to the month"; "Recover previous value:" = "Recover previous value:"; "Remember the books you lend or borrow" = "Remember the books you lend or borrow"; "Reset" = "Reset"; "Reset image to it's initial state" = "Reset image to it's initial state"; "Rotate left" = "Rotate left"; "Rotate right" = "Rotate right"; "Search for a location" = "Search for a location"; "Search for works or series" = "Search for works or series"; "Search possible duplicates" = "Search possible duplicates"; "Searching is not possible for this section yet" = "Searching is not possible for this section yet"; "See less editions" = "See less editions"; "See more editions" = "See more editions"; "Select all filters" = "Select all filters"; "Select an edition" = "Select an edition"; "Select the books you want to add" = "Select the books you want to add"; "Select transaction mode" = "Select transaction mode"; "Select who can see this item" = "Select who can see this item"; "Show actions" = "Show actions"; "Show books on a map" = "Show books on a map"; "Show every books on map" = "Show every books on map"; "Show other shelves" = "Show other shelves"; "Show password" = "Show password"; "Show user on map" = "Show user on map"; "Show users who have these editions" = "Show users who have these editions"; "Show users who have these editions on a map" = "Show users who have these editions on a map"; "Show who has this book" = "Show who has this book"; "Sort by" = "Sort by"; "Source:" = "Source:"; "Summary" = "Summary"; "Thank you for your message! Coming back to you shortly" = "Thank you for your message! Coming back to you shortly"; "The books you lend might actually come back now!" = "The books you lend might actually come back now!"; "The entity in which it should be merged" = "The entity in which it should be merged"; "The entity that should be merged" = "The entity that should be merged"; "The following data is missing on the Wikidata entity, which of those should be imported to Wikidata?" = "The following data is missing on the Wikidata entity, which of those should be imported to Wikidata?"; "The group description can not be longer than 5000 characters" = "The group description can not be longer than 5000 characters"; "The group name can not be longer than 80 characters" = "The group name can not be longer than 80 characters"; "There is nothing here" = "There is nothing here"; "This person already has that role" = "This person already has that role"; "add_by_barcode_scan" = "add_by_barcode_scan"; "all_editions_count" = "all_editions_count"; "call_to_connect_welcome_message" = "call_to_connect_welcome_message"; 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"funding" = "funding"; "genre" = "genre"; "geolocation" = "geolocation"; "get_involved" = "get_involved"; "giving" = "giving"; "global" = "global"; "global match score" = "global match score"; "global menu" = "global menu"; "go get it!" = "go get it!"; "go to result's page" = "go to result's page"; "go to the group's inventory" = "go to the group's inventory"; "grid" = "grid"; "group" = "group"; "group URL:" = "group URL:"; "group admin" = "group admin"; "group name" = "group name"; "group settings" = "group settings"; "group_acceptRequest_notification" = "group_acceptRequest_notification"; "group_default_description" = "group_default_description"; "group_invitor" = "group_invitor"; "group_make_admin_warning" = "group_make_admin_warning"; "group_position_context" = "group_position_context"; "group_update_description" = "group_update_description"; "group_update_name" = "group_update_name"; "group_update_open_false" = "group_update_open_false"; "group_update_open_true" = "group_update_open_true"; "groups" = "groups"; "has no homonym" = "has no homonym"; "make admin" = "make admin"; "make the book's barcode fit in the box" = "make the book's barcode fit in the box"; "make the inventory of your books and mutualize with your friends and communities into an infinite library!" = "make the inventory of your books and mutualize with your friends and communities into an infinite library!"; "manga" = "manga"; "manga series" = "manga series"; "means \"inventory\" in French" = "means \"inventory\" in French"; "member" = "member"; "members" = "members"; "members:" = "members:"; "merge" = "merge"; "merge & deduplicate works" = "merge & deduplicate works"; "merge homonyms" = "merge homonyms"; "merge selected suggestions" = "merge selected suggestions"; "merge suggestions" = "merge suggestions"; "merge with another entity" = "merge with another entity"; "merge without importing data" = "merge without importing data"; "merged" = "merged"; "message" = "message"; "month" = "month"; "more" = "more"; "more details" = "more details"; "move the series to Wikidata to be able to add this work" = "move the series to Wikidata to be able to add this work"; "move to Wikidata" = "move to Wikidata"; "my inventory" = "my inventory"; "name" = "name"; "narrative_set_in_this_location" = "narrative_set_in_this_location"; "nearby" = "nearby"; "need more information" = "need more information"; "network" = "network"; "network_counter_label" = "network_counter_label"; "new entity" = "new entity"; "new password" = "new password"; "newsletters_notification" = "newsletters_notification"; "next" = "next"; "next action" = "next action"; "next category" = "next category"; "next result" = "next result"; "no" = "no"; "no ISBN found" = "no ISBN found"; "no book selected" = "no book selected"; "no editions found" = "no editions found"; "no homonym found" = "no homonym found"; "no more pending requests" = "no more pending requests"; "no notification" = "no notification"; "no pending requests" = "no pending requests"; "no position set" = "no position set"; "no result" = "no result"; "no suggestion found" = "no suggestion found"; "no user found" = "no user found"; "no value" = "no value"; "no_transaction" = "no_transaction"; "not found" = "not found"; "not_imported_books" = "not_imported_books"; "notes" = "notes"; "notes_placeholder" = "notes_placeholder"; "nothing here" = "nothing here"; "num_books" = "num_books"; "number" = "number"; "number of items in your network" = "number of items in your network"; "number of parts" = "number of parts"; "number of volumes" = "number of volumes"; "number_of_elements_in_the_list" = "number_of_elements_in_the_list"; "offline_help" = "offline_help"; "old_browser_message" = "old_browser_message"; "on_website" = "on_website"; "on_wikipedia" = "on_wikipedia"; "ongoing" = "ongoing"; "only those who get the link or are invited can find this group" = "only those who get the link or are invited can find this group"; "oops" = "oops"; "open membership" = "open membership"; "operations" = "operations"; "optional" = "optional"; "or" = "or"; "or email address" = "or email address"; "order in the series" = "order in the series"; "ordinal" = "ordinal"; "original language" = "original language"; "other editions" = "other editions"; "other operations:" = "other operations:"; "other_user_accepted" = "other_user_accepted"; "other_user_cancelled" = "other_user_cancelled"; "other_user_confirmed" = "other_user_confirmed"; "other_user_declined" = "other_user_declined"; "other_user_giving" = "other_user_giving"; "other_user_lending" = "other_user_lending"; "other_user_requested" = "other_user_requested"; "other_user_returned" = "other_user_returned"; "other_user_selling" = "other_user_selling"; "our love wasn't possible because" = "our love wasn't possible because"; "owner" = "owner"; "pages" = "pages"; "parts suggestions" = "parts suggestions"; "password" = "password"; "password should be 8 characters minimum" = "password should be 8 characters minimum"; "paste any kind of text containing ISBNs here" = "paste any kind of text containing ISBNs here"; "patch" = "patch"; "penciller" = "penciller"; "pending" = "pending"; "pending friends requests" = "pending friends requests"; "pending groups invitations" = "pending groups invitations"; "personalized message" = "personalized message"; "photo credits:" = "photo credits:"; "popularity" = "popularity"; "position" = "position"; "position is set to" = "position is set to"; "position_privacy_tip" = "position_privacy_tip"; "precise the edition" = "precise the edition"; "presentation" = "presentation"; "previous" = "previous"; "previous category" = "previous category"; "previous result" = "previous result"; "previous searches" = "previous searches"; "private" = "private"; "private notes" = "private notes"; "publisher" = "publisher"; "read online" = "read online"; "read_more_on_wikipedia" = "read_more_on_wikipedia"; "receive an email when" = "receive an email when"; "recent changes" = "recent changes"; "refresh Wikidata data" = "refresh Wikidata data"; "refresh external databases data" = "refresh external databases data"; "refuse" = "refuse"; "remaing characters:" = "remaing characters:"; "remove" = "remove"; "remove filter" = "remove filter"; "remove from group" = "remove from group"; "removed" = "removed"; "report an error" = "report an error"; "report_an_error_in_entity_data" = "report_an_error_in_entity_data"; "reporter" = "reporter"; "request accepted" = "request accepted"; "request to join group" = "request to join group"; "request to join the group" = "request to join the group"; "request you sent" = "request you sent"; "request_new_token" = "request_new_token"; "requested" = "requested"; "requests" = "requests"; "requests waiting your approval" = "requests waiting your approval"; "required" = "required"; "required properties are missing" = "required properties are missing"; "requires an activated camera" = "requires an activated camera"; "reserved words can't be usernames" = "reserved words can't be usernames"; "reset filter" = "reset filter"; "reset password" = "reset password"; "reset password token expired: request a new token" = "reset password token expired: request a new token"; "retry" = "retry"; "return to the collection's page" = "return to the collection's page"; "return to the edition's page" = "return to the edition's page"; "return to the publisher's page" = "return to the publisher's page"; "return to the series' page" = "return to the series' page"; "return to the work's page" = "return to the work's page"; "roadmap" = "roadmap"; "roles" = "roles"; "save" = "save"; "save position" = "save position"; "saved" = "saved"; "saving would create a new collection" = "saving would create a new collection"; "saving would create a new publisher" = "saving would create a new publisher"; "saving would create a new series" = "saving would create a new series"; "saving would create a new work" = "saving would create a new work"; "scan" = "scan"; "scan a barcode" = "scan a barcode"; "scanner_disabled_tip_2" = "scanner_disabled_tip_2"; "scenarist" = "scenarist"; "scenarists" = "scenarists"; "search" = "search"; "search by" = "search by"; "search for an entity" = "search for an entity"; "search for users" = "search for users"; "search group" = "search group"; "search settings" = "search settings"; "search user" = "search user"; "search users" = "search users"; "search_verb" = "search_verb"; "see history on Wikidata" = "see history on Wikidata"; "see more" = "see more"; "see on Wikidata" = "see on Wikidata"; "see_all_work_editions" = "see_all_work_editions"; "see_on_website" = "see_on_website"; "select" = "select"; "select a picture" = "select a picture"; "select all" = "select all"; "select all local entities" = "select all local entities"; "select all local exact matches" = "select all local exact matches"; "select an edition" = "select an edition"; "select shelves to import" = "select shelves to import"; "select the books you want to add" = "select the books you want to add"; "select the edition to add to my inventory" = "select the edition to add to my inventory"; "select the settings to apply to the selected books" = "select the settings to apply to the selected books"; "select this edition" = "select this edition"; "select_book" = "select_book"; "select_shelf" = "select_shelf"; "selected" = "selected"; "selling" = "selling"; "send" = "send"; "send an email to reset my password" = "send an email to reset my password"; "send email" = "send email"; "send feedback" = "send feedback"; "send friend request" = "send friend request"; "send invitations" = "send invitations"; "send request" = "send request"; "sent" = "sent"; "separated by a comma" = "separated by a comma"; "serie" = "serie"; "series" = "series"; "series_singular" = "series_singular"; "set the group's position" = "set the group's position"; "setting a position is required for this action" = "setting a position is required for this action"; "settings" = "settings"; "share" = "share"; "share it with your friends and communities" = "share it with your friends and communities"; "shelf" = "shelf"; "shelves" = "shelves"; "shelves_importer_description" = "shelves_importer_description"; "short story" = "short story"; "show" = "show"; "show descriptions" = "show descriptions"; "show editions" = "show editions"; "show entity history" = "show entity history"; "show more properties" = "show more properties"; "show on map" = "show on map"; "show only main properties" = "show only main properties"; "show shelves" = "show shelves"; "show task" = "show task"; "sign up" = "sign up"; "signature" = "signature"; "signup_verb" = "signup_verb"; "skip" = "skip"; "skip to main content" = "skip to main content"; "social networks" = "social networks"; "some groups" = "some groups"; "some of the last books listed" = "some of the last books listed"; "some values aren't Wikidata entities:" = "some values aren't Wikidata entities:"; "something went wrong :(" = "something went wrong :("; "source" = "source"; "sources" = "sources"; "special user" = "special user"; "specify the edition" = "specify the edition"; "status" = "status"; "statuses" = "statuses"; "subject" = "subject"; "subjects" = "subjects"; "success" = "success"; "suggest deletion" = "suggest deletion"; "suggest merge" = "suggest merge"; "switch_to_lang" = "switch_to_lang"; "table" = "table"; "task" = "task"; "that would really help us if you could say a few words about why you're leaving:" = "that would really help us if you could say a few words about why you're leaving:"; "that's already your email" = "that's already your email"; "that's already your username" = "that's already your username"; "the bio can't be longer than 1000 characters" = "the bio can't be longer than 1000 characters"; "the edition new title would be:" = "the edition new title would be:"; "the filter can be a regular expression" = "the filter can be a regular expression"; "the group has a position set" = "the group has a position set"; "the group's position isn't set yet" = "the group's position isn't set yet"; "the issue was reported" = "the issue was reported"; "the library of your friends and communities" = "the library of your friends and communities"; "this ISBN already exist:" = "this ISBN already exist:"; "this ISBN was already scanned" = "this ISBN was already scanned"; "this book I can lend, this book I can give, this one is for sale…" = "this book I can lend, this book I can give, this one is for sale…"; "this edition is already in the list" = "this edition is already in the list"; "this email is already used" = "this email is already used"; "this email is unknown" = "this email is unknown"; "this entity is ready to be imported to Wikidata" = "this entity is ready to be imported to Wikidata"; "this group appears in search results" = "this group appears in search results"; "this group is opened to membership without admin validation" = "this group is opened to membership without admin validation"; "this group require admins to validate new memberships" = "this group require admins to validate new memberships"; "this is visible by anyone who can see this item" = "this is visible by anyone who can see this item"; "this property should at least have one value" = "this property should at least have one value"; "this resource doesn't exist or you don't have the right to access it" = "this resource doesn't exist or you don't have the right to access it"; "this resource requires to have admin rights to access it" = "this resource requires to have admin rights to access it"; "this username is already used" = "this username is already used"; "this username isn't available" = "this username isn't available"; "this value is already used" = "this value is already used"; "title" = "title"; "title pattern" = "title pattern"; "title_add_layout_import" = "title_add_layout_import"; "title_add_layout_search" = "title_add_layout_search"; "title_exchanges_layout" = "title_exchanges_layout"; "title_matches_serie_label_tip" = "title_matches_serie_label_tip"; "to:" = "to:"; "total" = "total"; "total contributions:" = "total contributions:"; "transaction" = "transaction"; "transaction_cancel_info" = "transaction_cancel_info"; "transaction_finished" = "transaction_finished"; "transaction_with" = "transaction_with"; "transactions" = "transactions"; "translate" = "translate"; "translation" = "translation"; "type" = "type"; "unavailable" = "unavailable"; "undo" = "undo"; "unfriend" = "unfriend"; "unknown" = "unknown"; "unselect" = "unselect"; "unselect all" = "unselect all"; "unselect all filters" = "unselect all filters"; "unselect shelf" = "unselect shelf"; "unverified email" = "unverified email"; "up" = "up"; "update email" = "update email"; "update password" = "update password"; "update presentation" = "update presentation"; "update username" = "update username"; "update_on_item_you_requested_notification" = "update_on_item_you_requested_notification"; "update_on_your_item_notification" = "update_on_your_item_notification"; "upload and save" = "upload and save"; "upload your books from another website" = "upload your books from another website"; "upload your collection from another website" = "upload your collection from another website"; "url" = "url"; "user" = "user"; "user_default_description" = "user_default_description"; "user_made_admin" = "user_made_admin"; "username" = "username"; "username can not contain spaces" = "username can not contain spaces"; "username can only contain letters, figures or _" = "username can only contain letters, figures or _"; "username can't contain space" = "username can't contain space"; "username or password is incorrect" = "username or password is incorrect"; "username should be 2 characters minimum" = "username should be 2 characters minimum"; "username should be 20 characters maximum" = "username should be 20 characters maximum"; "username_change_confirmation" = "username_change_confirmation"; "username_change_warning" = "username_change_warning"; "username_tip" = "username_tip"; "users" = "users"; "users_count_have_this_book" = "users_count_have_this_book"; "validate" = "validate"; "validate and add another book" = "validate and add another book"; "validate user's request to join the group" = "validate user's request to join the group"; "version" = "version"; "visibility" = "visibility"; "volume" = "volume"; "waiting" = "waiting"; "waiting for admin validation" = "waiting for admin validation"; "waiting_accepted" = "waiting_accepted"; "waiting_confirmation" = "waiting_confirmation"; "waiting_confirmation_one_way" = "waiting_confirmation_one_way"; "waiting_return_confirmation" = "waiting_return_confirmation"; "welcome to your inventory!" = "welcome to your inventory!"; "where_and_when" = "where_and_when"; "which edition?" = "which edition?"; "wiki" = "wiki"; "wikidata entities can't link to inventaire entities" = "wikidata entities can't link to inventaire entities"; "wikidata_move_intro" = "wikidata_move_intro"; "work" = "work"; "work from which this is an edition" = "work from which this is an edition"; "work image" = "work image"; "works" = "works"; "works_about_entity" = "works_about_entity"; "works_based_on_work" = "works_based_on_work"; "works_in_this_genre" = "works_in_this_genre"; "works_inspired_by_work" = "works_inspired_by_work"; "works_replying_to_work" = "works_replying_to_work"; "wrong password" = "wrong password"; "x_days_ago" = "x_days_ago"; "x_hours_ago" = "x_hours_ago"; "x_minutes_ago" = "x_minutes_ago"; "x_months_ago" = "x_months_ago"; "x_seconds_ago" = "x_seconds_ago"; "x_years_ago" = "x_years_ago"; "year" = "year"; "yes" = "yes"; "your message…" = "your message…"; "your request to join is waiting for approval" = "your request to join is waiting for approval";